Quantum healing has been used as a form of treatment since ancient times. It is based on the idea that the entire human body works as a whole and has the ability to heal itself.

Quantum healing is a combination of mind-body medicine, quantum physics and meditation to heal. Also known as quantum therapy, it helps heal your body, mind and spirit by shifting energy at a quantum level.

Quantum Physics and Healing

Our bodies consist of energy both inside and out. This energy can be used to heal in what is known as quantum healing or energy healing.

Quantum physics works on the principle that our thoughts determine our reality. Most illnesses start in the mind and end in the mind.

Being the canvas on which our thoughts are projected, the mind is part of human consciousness and the quantum field is a collection of all consciousness.

Quantum healing uses positive thinking, known as quantum thinking to heal, therefore the healing takes place on a spiritual level. It is believed that positive thoughts can heal any diseases including cancer.

In 1989, an Indian Spiritual Guru named Deepak Chopra published a book about Quantum healing where he combined his newfound knowledge with western medicine, physics and neuroscience. Dr. Chopra showed people how to use their energies to heal their own bodies.

Quantum Healing Vs Modern Medicine

Quantum healing has been a topic of controversy ever since it gained traction in the 1980s. People who practice quantum healing believe that it can cure physical ailments including chronic illnesses such as cancer.

They argue that this type of holistic healing for the whole body is inexpensive, has better results and no adverse effects like those of modern methods of healing.

Quantum healing considers the body to work as a whole, unlike modern medicine which separates parts of our bodies into bits and pieces to be healed with chemical drugs.

However, other people argue that is more of a false hope and it is dangerous to claim that quantum healing can cure diseases like cancer as patients could forgo lifesaving medicine in favor of it.

Although there is no scientific evidence to support claims by quantum healers, there is a great healing benefit when patients are less stressed by connecting their minds and body.

Instead of being an alternative to modern healing, quantum healing can be combined with modern medicine to help in healing the mind, body and spirit all at once.

Finding a Practitioner

If you have decided to turn to quantum healing, the first step is to find a practitioner who will guide you through your journey to wellness. The best place to start is with personal recommendations.

Most quantum healing practitioners will start with an in-person hypnosis session where the healer will help you connect with your higher self, past life and subconscious. Some healers even have these sessions available online or over the phone.

Alternatively, you can help yourself and perform quantum healing on your own. You can gather knowledge from a number of sources available online that will help you.