Overnutrition is the overconsumption of nutrients by consuming too much food on a regular or habitual basis to the point that it becomes harmful to your health.

Overeating varies from overnutrition philosophically, but they are fundamentally the same in action. In contrast, overeating is a compulsion considered a psychological disease; overnutrition is the voluntary choice to take more food than you require, even if you are unaware of it.

1. May Weight Gain

A calorie surplus occurs when you consume more calories than you consumed. These extra calories may be stored as fat in your body.

However, due to the way protein is digested, excessive protein consumption is unlikely to increase body fat. Additional calories from carbohydrates and lipids are far more likely to cause weight gain. Fill up your stomach with lean proteins and non-starchy veggies before consuming higher carb and fat items to avoid gaining weight.

2. Dispute Hunger Regulation

Ghrelin levels rise when you haven’t eaten in a long. Then, once you’ve eaten, your body’s leptin levels signal that you’re full. Overeating, on the other hand, might throw this equilibrium off.

Feel-good hormones like dopamine are released when you eat foods that have a higher quantity of fat, salt, or sugar, which stimulate pleasure areas in your brain. Then body may come to link these pleasurable sensations with particular foods that contain a higher amount of fat and calories over time. This procedure may override appetite regulation, causing you to start eating for pleasure instead of hunger.

3. Increase Disease Risk

One of the key risk factors for metabolic syndrome is obesity. While sometimes binge eating is unlikely to harm one’s health in the long run, chronic binge eating can cause obesity.

High blood pressure, blood fat level, insulin resistance, and inflammation are signs of metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is connected to a lifetime of overeating.

4. Effects on Brain Function

Overeating can harm brain function over time. Several studies have linked chronic overeating and adiposity to mental impairment in older persons compared to others.

More research is needed on mental impairment linked to overeating and obesity. Because your brain is made up of about 60% fat while eating good fats like nut kinds of butter, avocado, fatty fish, olive oil, and many more can help you avoid mental deterioration.

5. Make You Nauseous

Overfilling your stomach frequently can produce nausea and indigestion, which can be unpleasant. An empty stomach of an adult is about the size of a tightly squeezed fist and can hold around 2.5 ounces, and can grow up to 1 quart.

These figures will change depending on your weight and the food you eat regularly. You may get nausea or indigestion if you eat food that exceeds the limit of your stomach’s capacity. This type of nausea may cause vomiting, which is the body’s way of releasing stomach pressure in severe cases.