How does plastic harm the environment? Plastic sticks around in the environment for ages, threatening wildlife and spreading toxins. Plastic Also contributes to global warming. Almost all plastics are made from chemicals that come from the production of planet warming fuels (gas, oil and even coal). Plastic pollution is a huge problem–and it’s not too late to fix it.

This is one reason I am supporting and promoting this company called HiBar. They are not only solving the environmental problem of plastics pollution, but they also are bringing to us a product that has no parabens, sulfates, silicone, phthalates, or cruelty to animals.

How innovative for the company HiBar to bring us a product that touches every part of our concerns today. I am totally for this product. It is important to me to have a paraben free and sulfate free conditioner, body soaps and shampoos. Our body is the largest organ and absorbs more toxins than any other organ. It is pretty important to be watching out for what you are using for products.It is hard enough to survive a toxic planet without having to worry about the body products that are so toxic on the shelves of our local stores. It is so important to educate ourselves about how harmful these toxins are to our bodies.

HiBar also uses coconut oil and rice protein to hydrate and nourish our hair and body.. Can’t get much better than that. The way they shaped the bar and the way they packaged it is an experience in itself. Also the shape and feel is so fun to hold and run through your hair. When they say on the directions to gently work through your hair for a light, thorough coating believe them. Because sometimes my thought is more is better but not true here. It goes a long way with a little roll of the bar then gently working it through your hair conditions perfectly. And then another positive point on the recycle box it is marked with MADE WITH LOVE.!!  Having the bar BLESSED and made with LOVE is filled with a frequency that we like hanging around in the morning. Very thankful for this company. HiBar is in the forefront in the technology of saying Goodbye plastic, hello HiBar.