I am looking forward to working with you, evaluating your personal health needs, and coaching you to success. I am here to assist you in your effort to create the healthy lifestyle you are striving towards.

Now, let’s look at some of the ways I can help you personally. Through listening and hearing what you are challenged with, I will be able to aid you in several different ways; supplements, energy work, frequency, and personal application on what works. I will help you to understand that you do not have to relinquish the foods you enjoy. I am aware of many different options and healing alternatives that are available for you to reach your desires. Everything in nature is there for our healing, it is Science’s job to find it.  That is where we are today, we are blessed to have all this information and technology backed by science that is proven to help the body repair and restore itself.

When we look at the body in a holistic perspective we must take into consideration the spirit, soul, and body. When we look at the spiritual roots of disease, it will reveal what is manifesting in the physical. Then we eliminate just one of the ways negative thoughts and beliefs that can affect the spirit, now we have won half of the battle. Next, we look at some of the choices of foods that you are choosing and decide together what you would consider is a healthy tasty alternative to unhealthy foods you love. The body is fearfully and wonderfully made so we require to look at the energy flow and decide what is blocked and use a technique to restore the balance and the flow of energy.

Let’s get your power back and make your world the way you require it to be. Looking forward to working with you.



Beverly Garst