When I first heard about Quantum Energetics, I was curious. The person I heard it from had been doing many different healing modalities and wasn’t receiving results like she was hoping. So, my ears were listening, by the time we talked about this she had already enrolled in the school to learn how to be a QE practitioner. So, I knew just from that that this was something that had the potential to restore the body’s ability to heal. When energy is flowing through the body like it was designed by God, healing can be achieved.

So, the first appointment is intake information and some history and then up-to-date information on what is going on in your body now.  It is one of the most non-invasive modalities. You lay on the massage table with clothes on and she will start with the cranial bones making sure the alignment is correct. From there they will go through this highly organized system of energy healing (complementary alternative medicine). This powerful energy medicine triggers the body’s natural healing ability. A unique “language” of codes and applied kinesiology enables the QE practitioner to gently do specific “hands-on” work with the body’s energetic forces to stimulate lasting healing, pain relief, immune response, increased energy, and well-being.

Well…after the first session I could feel a difference. I was so happy and thankful at the same time. I have driven many miles to find a QE practitioner for myself and my family. The benefits out way the cost! I feel QE has prevented and saved me so much physically and financially because they can find things and repair them before they become a problem. What I tell people when I share about this energy work is I always say “be sure and do at least three sessions before making a decision” about the energy work because it takes time to feel what the work has accomplished. I have had times when I have felt that nothing had been accomplished only for the next day to feel like I had been adjusted. But none of that goes on in a session. When blockages are opened and released sometimes, I feel tired and require drinking more water. Most of the time just a better feeling of well-being. What people do not realize is when you have had a blow to your head it can cause problems down the road that you will not associate it to. So, if in your past you have had an accident that impacted your head or neck it is one healing modality that has the possibility to restore the damage.

So thankful for the wisdom of God to impart this knowledge to men and women to help us maintain and restore our health.

What I would suggest is to search for a practitioner in your area and make an appointment for at least three sessions and see for yourself…