The regular shampoos we use are made of chemicals and synthetic materials, that experts warn are not really that good for us. In fact, they say that these products could actually dry the scalp.

Using natural shampoo is the new trend, and one that promises to be better for your health, skin and scalp. For this reason, most people are opting to use natural shampoos that are made with natural foods, or locally available products.

The main ingredients in a natural shampoo will vary, depending on the results you are looking for.

Some of the most common natural products you may find in shampoo include;

Coconut Oil

This is an ingredient that has been long praised for its ability to penetrate deep into the hair, strengthening it. Coconut is not like other oils that tend to sit on the hair creating an oily layer.

In line with this, coconut milk is also a great ingredient as it hydrates hair and keeps it smooth.

Oat Milk

While it isn’t necessarily a new trend to use oat milk on the skin, it can also be really good for your hair, particularly if you suffer from scalp irritation and dandruff.

Oat milk has properties that work against inflammation and proteins that give hair that oh so silky, shiny look.


Eggs are ingredients that not only act as shampoos for cleansing the hair, they can also make really good conditioners.

They extract dirt and oil from the hair cleaning it. They also contain a fatty acid called lecithin which helps in conditioning the hair at the same time.

It is important to note that eggs are not a recommended ingredient for those who have oily scalps.


While a little unconventional as natural ingredients for the hair go, seaweed is good for controlling how much oil is in the scalp. It is better for those who suffer from very oily scalps.

Studies have also shown that there are seaweed extracts that can induce hair growth. This has the potential to be a serum for hair loss.


This is a herb that’s relatively easy to cultivate and also promotes the growth of hair. It is recommended for people with hair that sheds or those who are losing their hair. It has an added benefit in that it does all this without causing itching.

Furthermore, rosemary helps to replenish the balance of oil and color in your hair. It is especially good for darker hair. For those with lighter hair, lemon is great for boosting blonde highlights.

Avocado Oil

The avocado really is a jack of all trade!

Avocados are not only great to eat alone or as an accompaniment, but they come with a wealth of benefits when applied to the skin, and they are perfect for your hair!

Avocado oil helps to restore the strength of your hair while keeping it moisturized. It also does not weigh down the way when spread.