One thing I see happening with sanitation, regarding washing hands, that alarms me is… People have moved from hardly any sanitation to crazy over-the-top sanitizing with a spirit of paranoia and fear.  So now because of this, people are not realizing they are adding another extra harmful chemical to their body that can be toxic and can affect their immune systems. Just washing hands with a bar of natural soap and water would be better than using harmful toxic chemicals from some hand sanitizers.

Putting these harmful chemicals on their hands and bodies plus using the disinfectant spray in the air can be harmful to their lungs and breathing. What is even more concerning they are using these toxic cleaning products in our schools around our children. Too much of this could add to more diseases in the future. Reports from the FDA recommend consumers do not use products contaminated with unacceptable levels of benzene, acetaldehyde, or acetal. Benzene may cause certain types of cancer in humans. Animal studies show acetaldehyde may cause cancer in humans and may cause serious illness or death. Acetal can irritate the upper respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. While the exact risk of using hand sanitizer containing benzene, acetaldehyde, or acetal is unknown, FDA recommends consumers do not use products contaminated with unacceptable levels of benzene, acetaldehyde, or acetal.

Some may know this but do not realize how dangerous this is to be using such toxic impurities and synthetic fragrances on your skin. Our skin is our largest organ, and it is overloaded by many products that are filled with pollutants and if they are invasive, your body must fight to remove them. Pollutants can invade your body via the air you breathe, the foods and beverages you eat, and the products you put on your skin. So, by the time you step out of your personal bathroom in the morning you have been exposed to many toxins. From chlorine in water, solvents, and isopropyl alcohol in shampoos, conditioners, lotions, and fluoride in toothpaste just to mention a few.

So, I am advocating you make a real conscious choice to search out the natural products that are tough on germs, but gentle on your skin and contain no solvents or dangerous alcohols. There are guides to help you to navigate through all the products that are available on the market today to purchase, they can help you pick products that are safe and protect your health. In fact, I am going to start purchasing disposable sheets for massage so I can keep free from different solvents they might use in cleaning their sheets. I feel confident and empowered to know I’m defeating the fight against disease by making choices that will protect my skin from harmful pollutants. I hope I have helped you be aware of the dangers of some of these toxic hand sanitizers that are out there on the market today. So, I encourage you to be more diligent to wash your hands often versus grabbing the bad pollutants that could destroy you and your family’s immune systems.