It is estimated that 90% of all physical problems have psychological roots. Virtually every ill that can befall the body from acne to arthritis, headaches to heart disease, cold sores to cancer is influenced, for better or worse, by our emotions. Most people have a deep desire and are searching for Peace of Mind and the ability to truly love and be loved unconditionally. Whatever we choose to focus our attention on will automatically multiply in our lives. If our attention is on our troubles or the injustice of the past, they will become our trials of the present also.

Our body responds to stress within an alarm reaction. This alarm reaction in our brain signals our adrenal glands to produce a stream of stress hormones which are chemical messengers that instantaneously increase our supply of energy, sustained blood pressure, and assist other hormones in functioning more efficiently.

If the stress continues for a prolonged period, however, serious damage may be caused as the production of stress hormones can and does get out of control. When these stress hormones are out of control, our bodies biochemical balance becomes upset functions entirely out of harmony. This then impairs our immune system and leaves us open and vulnerable to invasion of dangerous infections and cancer cells. According to some scientists, stress hormones also hasten and compound the aging process, cortisol being one of them. We would be doing our bodies a favor if we were taught how to minimize or eliminate as many stressors as possible daily.

There is so much more to be said about this subject, but I do not want to leave you without some tools and abilities to have victory in this area of your life with these stressors. It’s so important to be thinking about what you’re thinking about. If you are waking up and feeling tormented by negative traumatic thoughts tormenting your mind throughout the day, here is something that might help

Take a deep breath in through your nose, letting it out through your mouth slowly. Do it a second time and hold your breath after you inhale for three seconds, then let it out slowly, allowing your body to totally relax. Then say, spirit, please locate the origin of the feelings that caused me to feel like I’m losing my mind! Once you have located the feelings that are causing you to feel sad, depressed, negative, then you can choose to speak out loud the opposite. For example, I choose being perfectly sane, I feel perfectly sane, I am perfectly sane, calm, serene and tranquil.

These are merely suggestions or phrases to use for the negative feeling. You may have something you feel is more appropriate or better suits you. Use it. Here again, my suggestions are merely to assist you in processing with the spirit of love joy peace and hope. Which when used to replace the negative feeling will produce a peace that was absent before. Let me know if this has helped. Always here to help on the journey to health and wellness.

~ Beverly