When making decisions about the body when you are having symptoms that are concerning and not normal, it’s important to look at the spirit, soul and body before making drastic decisions medically.

I’m very thankful that in my teen years I did not run to doctors to stop the symptoms of my very embarrassing skin problem. Because of my breakouts, I became very insecure required to hide and felt very ugly. This problem affected my whole social life. I was afraid to try out for athletic activities and felt rejected all the time. But, I would not let my vanity push me to do something quick and easy just to take care of the problem and look good. Instead, I turned to read and looking into something natural that could help me with the situation. I started making these horrible smoothies with code liver oil and nutritional yeast in them, I can drink some pretty bad stuff if it is good for me. LoL!  And then I started making my own make-up. When I look back I’m so happy that I choose to take another route to solve the problem. It did not help the low self-esteem problem because that is more of a spiritual problem but, in the long run, it saved my body from overuse of antibiotics, which have severe long-term damage to my health and immune system that the doctors are not aware of.

Doing something natural has long-term benefits for your health. Medications can, but not always mask something else that could be going on spiritually. If your life has had trauma or a lot of stress, that can affect you more than you realize. Science has discovered that when the body is undergoing high levels of stress, fear and anxiety, and or unforgiveness the hypothalamus at the stem of the brain begins to drip cortisol. This constant cortisol drip over time destroys your immune system. So, it is very important to examine yourself to see what is going on with your spirit, soul, and body. We are a three-part being and they inner connect if spiritually tormented it will affect the soul and the body. Something to look at when feeling symptoms that do not feel normal.

It’s important when you feel like something is not right in your body or the blood test is showing you are in a dangerous state, do not feel pressure to do something quickly. First, ask for prayer have someone who knows about the healing power of Jesus pray for you first. Then search out natural ways to give the body the foods it may be lacking or foods that are toxic that you require to eliminate from the diet. Are you drinking enough pure water in the right amount? God says to ask for wisdom and we shall receive. I am here to help you on this journey of Health, much more to share.  I love to help, Beverly.